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Reviews for Options#
OPTIONS is must reading for all spinal cord injured persons when the time comes to make their decision — some early, some late —“‘What am I going to do with the rest of my life?” Rehabilitation professionals, regardless of their level of expertise and experience, have a major handicap in understanding the desires and despairs of their “patients.” They haven’t been there! This book provides an intimate glimpse beneath the surface. This is where the action is. Rehabilitation is a people business and you have to know the territory.
—From the foreword by John S. Young, MD, Spinal Cord Injury Doctor
This work is important reading for everyone who likes to contemplate the magnificence of the human spirit faced with adversity. It is absolutely essential to the spinal cord injured, their families and friends, and the professionals who provide their care. It is especially crucial for the isolated spinal cord injured who do not have treatment and rehabilitation in a good Spinal Cord Injury Center and are thus deprived of models for successful living with a disability. A powerful and moving contribution by “gimps” for “gimps” —and everyone else.
—George Hohmann, Ph.D, Professor, University of Arizona
OPTIONS serves a very worthy purpose for persons who have experienced spinal cord injuries, especially those individuals who have been recently injured. The interviews present a variety of perspectives from other people who have suffered the catastrophic consequences of trauma to their spinal cords. It is a positive approach to assisting in the process of adjustment, rehabilitation and coping.
—Bruce E. Marquis, Executive Director, National Spinal Cord Injury Foundation
While immeasurably improving life saving skills over the last 30 years, we have, in my experience, done a lesser job of answering the question: survival for what? There have been increasing numbers of publications and books written by physicians directed at physicians, by therapists directed at therapists and by various other persons; all talking about but not to spinal man. Here, at last, is a book that is by, of and for the spinal cord injured population, as well as for all health professionals who work with spinal cord injured people. It is an enlightening, humbling and exciting experience.
—Robert R. Jackson, MD