Notes on this edition

Notes on this edition#

A foreword to the unofficial 10th edition of Options

In 2023, when we set ourselves on the project of making Options available once again, the original text was long gone; the printer had been out of business for over a decade. So this edition was produced by scanning a copy of the 9th printing, followed by optical character recognition and assembly into the book you are looking at now.

Barry Corbet passed away in 2004, and is still much missed. Much has changed in the over 40 years since Options was written; some things have improved, others have not. But the words in this book, and the people portrayed within it, are as relevant and important as they were in 1980. We are happy to make Options available once again, and hope that it can help many others to understand the options that they have.

Jennifer Corbet, Jonathan Corbet, Michael Corbet, and Muffy Moore

This work may be freely redistributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 license, which can be found at

For the curious: the scanning and processing of this work was done by the Corbet family, using the open-source SANE, ocrmypdf, Tesseract, and Unpaper utilities. The online version was processed using the Sphinx documentation system and the book theme.